CECO, S.A. has a continuous commitment with its employees to make a secure working environment, so for this reason involves them to put this in practice and create a safe working-habit during their shifts. Likewise, its nature of public society obliges CECO, S.A. pass through a great number of audits, regarding Quality and Environment, so guiding all its processes in a respectful and responsible way with the Environment.

In addition to the supply of coin blanks, CECO, S.A. provides technical and environmental consultancy for this segment of industry. Currently, these aspects are well appreciated by our customers, which are mainly public institutions and/or big mints of the world.

In summary, the 6 fundamental principles that define CECO, S.A. are:

Seguridad en el trabajo


CECO S.A. is committed with a safe working-environment

Medio Ambiente


CECO S.A. cares about the Environment



Acquiring knowledge in order to achieve a more Innovative production

Excelencia en el trabajo


Pursuing excellence when manufacturing our customers’ blanks



All of our products are guaranteed with a superior quality



CECO S.A. guarantees complete confidentiality in all the assigned projects